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日期:2023/06/15 10:08作者:佚名人气:


Are you looking for a unique and romantic way to express your love on QQ? Look no further than these love couple English signatures! Here are some ideas and translations to help you find the perfect one for you and your significant other.

1. Forever and Always

This classic signature is simple yet powerful. It means that your love for each other will last forever, no matter what happens.

Translation:永远不变(yǒng yuǎn bù biàn)

2. My Heart Beats for You


This signature expresses how much your heart belongs to your partner. It's a sweet way to show your love and devotion.

Translation:我的心跳为你而动(wǒ de xīn tiào wéi nǐér dòng)

3. Together We Stand

This signature emphasizes the importance of staying together through thick and thin. It shows that you support each other no matter what.


Translation:我们共同站在一起(wǒ men gòng tóng zhàn zài yīqǐ)

4. Love Conquers All

This signature reminds us that love is a powerful force that can overcome any obstacle. It's a great reminder to keep fighting for your relationship.

Translation:爱可以战胜一切(ài kěyǐ zhàn shèng yī qiè)


5. You Complete Me

This signature expresses how much your significant other means to you. They are the missing piece that completes your life.

Translation:你是我的另一半(nǐ shìwǒ de lìng yībàn)

6. I Can't Imagine Life Without You


This signature shows how much your partner means to you. They are an essential part of your life that you can't imagine living without.

Translation:我无法想象没有你的生活(wǒwúfǎ xiǎng xiàng méi yǒu nǐ de shēng huó)

7. You Are My Sunshine

This signature is a simple, yet sweet way to express your love. Your partner brings light and happiness to your life, just like the sun.


Translation:你是我的阳光(nǐ shìwǒ de yáng guāng)

8. Love is a Journey, Let's Travel Together

This signature emphasizes the importance of sharing experiences with your significant other. It's a reminder that your journey together is just beginning.

Translation:爱是一段旅程,让我们一起旅行(ài shìyī duàn lǚ chéng,ràng wǒ men yīqǐlǚxíng)

These signatures are just a few examples of how you can express your love on QQ. Choose one that speaks to you and your relationship, or use them as inspiration to create your own unique signature. Remember, the most important thing is to show your love and appreciation for each other every day.

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